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May 14, 2024

The beginning of the beginning

Paul Chan portrait

Paul Chan

Founder and CEO




I’m very grateful to introduce our blog, a space designed for us to explore and share the progress and innovations at the heart of Decidr. The opportunity for us is to highlight the many aspects of new features, success stories and challenges brought on by AI. This is a place where we envision in detail what’s possible and showcase the use cases and real value from a variety of businesses we’ll be working with.

You will constantly hear industry leaders saying that the media overestimates AI in the short term and underestimates what’s possible in the long term. My real and sometimes painful experience is that innovation has to happen at every level and every stage, including how people and organisations embrace better ways to do things. A more human way to look at this is there will absolutely be winners when it comes to AI, but unfortunately, there also has to be losers. This blog will offer detail about who will be affected by this natural and unstoppable evolution.

This blog will have value for our customers, suppliers and partners, investors and interested observers. Here you’ll see how Decidr is not just changing the game but redefining it.

For this first post, I want to put a stake in the ground. Here’s our vision for how Decidr can revolutionise business processes and — with continued innovation and a little serendipity — significantly enhance overall wellbeing.

Let the journey begin.


They say that AI will change the world. I say it already has.

You can call it whatever you want — large language models (LLMs), generative AI, CogniTech, super intelligence or knowledge engineering — but the fact is that AI will fundamentally reshape every aspect of society by enhancing human capabilities, automating complex processes and creating unprecedented opportunities for innovation and efficiency.

Twenty years ago, I thought that personal profiles would change the world. Now I see that AI is an extension of those powerful profiles. Every person and business, every single function, can have its own custom AI, preloaded with millions of data points, forming context, making predictions, carrying out tasks and achieving goals.

Decidr is launching a business operating system (BoS) which enables every company to upgrade to become an AI-first organisation. This means hundreds of processes which are done many thousands of times each year can now be automated, freeing up people for higher value tasks, increasing productivity and improving unit economics for businesses. Instead of just relying on teams for business functions like marketing, finance, sales or admin, Decidr offers a holistic set of AI enabled processes that can replace the dozens of SaaS apps each business currently uses.

But we’re not just replacing apps and business processes, we’re enhancing them by integrating highly specialised AI roles, providing the opportunity to make organisations entirely AI-centric, regardless of their size or sophistication. Decidr’s holistic architecture enables ‘top-down’, cascading goals to be aligned with highly detailed, ‘bottom up’ performance managed processes.

These micro-level, specialised AI roles provide high-quality task inputs that are fully networked and constantly improved through human training and interaction with the platform.

How AI will remove traditional limitations

As part of its design, Decidr will rapidly improve and self configure for each organisation by running and managing hundreds of processes or workflows using thousands of connected data points. Each process can be added sequentially to build trust in the operating system, or many workflows with constant metric evaluation at AI speeds.

The most important thing is that Decidr replaces traditional limitations in high aspiration companies with limited resources — a small team of people and their tools — with an orchestrated army of AI roles out-of-the-box for a fraction of the cost.

We’re getting rid of all of the things that get in the way of putting great products and services into the hands of customers. If I’m getting really technical, we’re replacing vertically focused organisational roles or logical reasoning done by skilled people, with holistically designed workflows for AI logical reasoning. This leaves much more time for high value, human-centric roles focused on creativity and improvement.

The Decidr platform can help businesses upgrade their aspirations and empower their current teams with better role designs, management, customer support, procurement, marketing, predictive analytics and a range of other high value outputs. All AI actions are transparent, and all based on conditional logic workflows to help you achieve your stated goals.

This is only the beginning

Everyone wants to be part of AI, but no one really knows where to start. There’s too many workflows, competing budgets, not enough cash, too much process, tech-debt, the politics — all of these and more stop businesses from choosing where to begin.

That’s why we built a platform like Decidr. The secret is to start everywhere. AI is not human so we shouldn’t think to apply it like we classically have done with people. Decidr, powered by multi-micro roles, can take all of the mess, the process, the excess and make meaningful change quickly.

I’ve got a lofty vision to improve human wellness, which is why our joint venture with Live Verdure is so meaningful. But before this can happen, phase one (like the Tesla Roadster and Model S) is designed to first improve small and medium businesses who have great products and could be on a rapid growth trajectory. These organisations can in turn deliver the next generation of products and services enhanced by AI, creating the desire, opening the gates for a flood of innovation.

There is much more to come on our ‘today’ goals, so be sure to check back regularly on our progress, research, demos and case studies with partners.

This is the beginning of the blog, but the end of a long period of research and development.

Welcome to the journey.

- Paul

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